Endocrinology... from the word itself you can already grasp what the word means. Endocrine and logy-- logy which means to study and endocrine which is an organ system in our body. I thought this subject would focus on our endocrine system and true to my thoughts after reading from books and of course the ever so easy to access, the internet!
I came to learn that Endocrinology focuses on the hormones that the endocrine glands produces. These hormones which are very important so that our body would function normally, such as metabolism and reproduction.
I came to learn that Endocrinology focuses on the hormones that the endocrine glands produces. These hormones which are very important so that our body would function normally, such as metabolism and reproduction.
The Endocrine system is composed of glands that are located in our body and these glands are...

- Pineal gland
- Pituitary gland
- Thyroid gland
- Thymus
- Adrenal gland
- Pancreas
- The gonads
Toxicology... Have you ever experienced accidentally touching a chemical inside the laboratory? or accidentally splashing some chemicals??? those people especially students in the medical field does this incidents sounds familiar? yep me too I already experienced freaking out and being paranoid thinking what would happen...

Eventually after reading the definition of toxicology from different sources I learned that this subject studies the effect of different chemicals into our body. How does this poisonous chemicals interact inside the living creatures body.
Personally I think studying toxicology would help us medical technologies to be more careful from handling these chemicals because we already know the effects it will cause to us.
Drug Testing...from what I know drug testing is a test that is performed to detect the presence of a certain drug in the urine. But after reading the definition of this test from different sources I came to learn that drug testing can also be performed using different specimens like sweat or hair
But because of the cost of these tests the most common biological specimen used is the urine, that's why it is the most famous among the other tests.
Different drugs have different approximate values of detection. For example heroin, it can only be detected in urine after 3-4 days. For reference of different approximate time of detection of each drug go to http://www.meditest.org/approx.html

By: Princess

But because of the cost of these tests the most common biological specimen used is the urine, that's why it is the most famous among the other tests.
Different drugs have different approximate values of detection. For example heroin, it can only be detected in urine after 3-4 days. For reference of different approximate time of detection of each drug go to http://www.meditest.org/approx.html

By: Princess
Hello Princess,
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